Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Thankful Bomb

I wanted to report about some feedback I’ve gotten in response one of the challenges I’ve included in a couple of previous blogs.  Now, it’s obvious that there is not much feedback being posted on the blog site, and I know that partly is because if a reader does not have a Google account, it’s very difficult, but I’ve offered my email address ( with the promise that I’d publish your comments and a response.  However, I have received feedback from friends via Face Book, text and in person, and you have all blessed me with your personal observances and comments.  So the invitation still stands, please feel free to make any comments, add your experiences and share your opinions.
If you have read the portion of my blog page called, About Me, you’ll notice I mentioned that I’m pretty much just like each one of you and I’m taking this journey as well.  Part of the reason I wanted to start this blog was that I wanted to make myself accountable to others while participating in some challenges.  What I mean is, in every challenge that I’ve posed, I’ve tried to participate as well.  I’ve asked that you, the reader, report results, and so in keeping with that, I wanted to report some of my responses.
Specifically, I wanted to report on the challenge I proposed on the blog posts, “Kissin’ Cousins” and “…And I’d Like to Thank…”.  If you recall, I challenged us to get in contact with people that we are grateful for and I asked you to send them a note of thanks and/or encouragement via text, email or phone call.  I’m a “texter” and I have texted probably near 20 friends and family, and in just a few words thanking them for who they are.  Without exception, the response has been so positive and uplifting, many texting back that I had made their day; which in turn, made MY day.  For most, the next time they saw me, they were grateful all over again, which made me realize how many more people I wanted to thank.  Soon, I was suggesting to the people I “Thankful Bombed” (you know how people “photo bomb”? I’m calling my gratitude texts, “Thankful Bombs”) to “pay it forward” because I want everyone to experience how encouraging it is to be thankful.  I learned that gratitude begets gratitude.  I also learned that people don’t often get thanked or encouraged nearly enough, and we are HUNGRY for that. 
So, I’m reiterating my challenge and I’m kicking it up a notch.  Let’s continue to “Thankful Bomb” people in our lives.  Send just a few words of thanks and/or encouragement and then ask them to pay it forward.  THEN, send an encouraging word to those people who we’re not so much thankful for!  Let’s practice our words of “life” and see what kind of results we get from that!  Thanks for participating and letting all of us share in your experiences.

-Tessa L. Charles

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